MAT 104–Introduction to Statistics
Week 1
Day 1 -- Why stats?
Day 2 -- R basics
Day 3 -- Packages and Data Frames
Week 2
Day 4 -- Quantiles and Filtering Data
Day 5 -- Graph Aesthetics
Day 6 -- Standard Deviation
Week 3
Day 7 -- Probability Intro
Day 8 and 9 -- More Probability
Week 4
Day 10 -- Review for Review 1
Day 11 -- Expected Value
Day 12 -- Continuous Distributions
Week 5
Day 13 -- Normal Distribution and Sampling Distribution
Day 14 -- Central Limit Theorem for Means
Week 6
Day 15 -- CLT II
Day 16 -- Using the CLT
Day 17 -- Confidence Intervals with Known Population Standard Deviation
Week 7
Day 18 -- CI for Proportions in R
Day 19 -- CI for Proportions Practice
Fall Break
Week 8
Day 20 -- CI means/proportions practice
Day 21 -- Review for Review 2
Day 22 -- Hypothesis Testing
Week 9
Day 23 -- Hypothesis Testing II
Day 24 -- Difference of Means
Day 25 -- Difference of Means and Proportions
Week 10
Day 26 -- Paired Data
Day 27 -- Power
Day 28 -- Hypothesis Mixed Practice
Week 11
Day 28 -- More Practice and Power
Day 29 -- Review for Review 3
Day 30 -- Chi Squared
Week 12
Day 31 -- Chi Squared II
Day 32 -- ANOVA
Day 33 -- Correlation
Week 13
Day 34 -- Linear Regression I
Day 35 -- Linear Regression II
Day 36 -- Linear Regression III
Week 14
Day 37 -- Review for Review 4
Day 38 -- Bayes Theorem
Day 39 -- Bayesian Inference